Tri Delta fosters a strong academic environment with driven women who are constantly studying, working in groups, and encouraging each other to exceed at USC and beyond. We proudly held the highest cumulative Panhellenic GPA in the 2022-23 academic school year, and a GPA above the University undergraduate average, all women’s average, and all men’s average. There are over 60 majors represented in our house, with majors and minors in nearly all USC schools. From faculty directed research to studying abroad, Tri Deltas never pass up an opportunity for academic and personal growth. With 129 sisters on the Dean’s List, our house is filled with studious and academically-minded members that excel in the both classroom and out.
Honor Societies
Freshman Science Honors
Lambda Pi Eta
Alpha Lambda Delta
Trojan Scholars Society
Lambda Pi Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Lambda
Thematic Option
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Sigma Theta
Gamma Sigma Alpha
Nu Rho Psi
Tau Beta Pi
Order of Omega
Golden Key Society
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Pi Tau Sigma
University Scholars
Presidential Scholars
National Merit Scholars
Trustee Scholars
Mork Scholars
QuestBridge Scholars