-- From the President --
Hi everyone! My name is Clare Jordan and I am the Collegiate Chapter President here at USC Tri Delta. I am so honored and humbled to be serving this chapter of members who inspire me everyday. I couldn’t ask for a more kind, fun, and determined group of individuals to surround myself with.
In all honesty, I had never planned on joining a sorority, let alone becoming the president of one. However, when Covid struck my freshman year, my plans changed. The entire year I struggled with my mental health, and had little luck making friendships during USC’s Zoom era. Desperate to make friends, I decided to sign up for recruitment, even though it was far outside of my comfort zone as a very introverted person. During recruitment, I continued to struggle with anxiety and eventually decided that it was best for my mental health to remove myself from formal recruitment. However, I still felt the desire to make friendships and find a greater sense of belonging, so I decided to sign up for informal recruitment.
During informal recruitment, I spoke to Tri Delta’s Director of Philanthropy at the time. I am extremely passionate about philanthropy work and told her about some of my favorite organizations that I have been able to work with. We had an amazing conversation, and I was able to learn all about Tri Delta’s philanthropy, St. Jude. This sold me completely, and I was so excited to receive a bid from Tri Delta.
I moved into the chapter house right away and lived in a six-person bedroom with members I had never met before. These women quickly became my best friends as we bonded, told secrets, laughed, and cried together. Now, I cannot imagine my life without these people.
Living in the house introduced me to so many other members of the chapter, and really encouraged me to get more involved. I loved the people around me so much that I wanted to work to make their experiences in the chapter as fun and memorable as possible.
I served for a year as the chapter’s Director of Social Events, which really pushed me out of my comfort zone as an introvert. The women around me encouraged me and helped me to grow into someone more confident, self-assured, and driven than I ever was before. I loved this role because it gave me the opportunity to plan events and activities for our members to enjoy, but I began to feel the urge to push myself even more in terms of leadership.
When I began as president, I was intimidated by the role, but again, the wonderful members of the chapter encouraged me and assured me that I was capable of making a difference.
I am so incredibly proud to be leading this chapter of such diverse, intelligent, and accepting women who exude kindness. I can confidently say that I would not be who I am today were it not for the resources and opportunities provided to me by this chapter, and I am grateful every day for the love that Tri Delta has showed me. Life is never easy, but it is so much easier when you have an entire chapter of women who have your back and support you through the good and the bad.
I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself into when I signed up for recruitment, but it was the best decision I have made. If you are looking for a home that will welcome you with open arms, sign up for recruitment! You never know what could happen.
Delta Love,
Clare Jordan
Collegiate Chapter President, Theta Xi
PRESIDENT - Clare jordan